Authors: Rebecca Adenike Afolabi, Okeyode Abraham Oketunbi and Olugbade Solomon Adeniran
Department of Educational Management, Information and Library Science
Emmanuel Alayande University of Education Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria
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The study examined association between conflict management strategies and goals achievement in public universities in South-west, Nigeria. The study aimed at accessing whether South-west universities in Nigeria employed negotiation, mediation and arbitration strategies to resolve their conflicts. The research design was descriptive of survey type. The population for the study consists of 14 Universities in the south-west Nigeria and all lecturers in these universities. Purposive and stratified random sampling techniques were used to select 600 respondents. The respondents include the management, heads of department, academic staff, academic staff union executives and academic officers of the selected university to represent the sample for the study. Student academic pro-forma, research publication and community service were used to measure university goal achievement. Two research questions were raised to guide the study. Four research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Analyses were to test the hypotheses. The findings revealed that denial of rights and privileges and non-implementation of agreed MOU were the major causes of conflicts in South-west public universities. The findings revealed that a positive relationship exist between conflict management strategies and goals achievement in southwest public universities in Nigeria. The findings further revealed that negotiation, mediation and arbitration were predictor of goals achievement in south-west public universities in Nigeria. Based on the findings it was recommended that management should try as much as possible to avoid denial of rights and privileges of staff and university authority should hence forth adopt the use of mediation conflict management strategies to resolve existing and impending conflicts.
Keywords: Conflict management, goal achievement, public universities, South-West Nigeria, university administration, organizational conflict, educational outcomes, conflict resolution strategies
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Suggested Citation
Afolabi, R. A., Oketunbi, A. O and Adeniran, O.S. (2024). Examining the Association between Conflicts Management and Goals Achievement in Public Universities in South-West, Nigeria. African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 12(1), 19-32. Available at