Indigenous Mechanism of Conflict Management and Resolution From 1850 To 1963 among the Pokot and Turkana Communities in Kenya

Authors: Veronica .M.Ogot, Samuel .A. Nyanchoga & Francis .M. Muchoki

The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

P.O BOX 62157-00200. Nairobi, Kenya

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Abstract: This study examines the indigenous mechanisms of conflict management and resolution practiced by the Pokot and Turkana communities in Kenya during the period from 1850 to 1963. Drawing on historical and anthropological sources, the research explores how these communities navigated conflicts within their cultural and traditional frameworks. The Pokot and Turkana relied on a variety of strategies to address disputes, including mediation by neutral elders, negotiation, and restitution. The council of elders played a pivotal role in guiding conflict resolution processes, while formal peace agreements, often reinforced by oaths and rituals, were employed to maintain harmony. The communities emphasized restorative justice, seeking reconciliation and community healing over punitive measures. The study also underscores the influence of changing external factors, such as colonialism and evolving socio-political structures, on these indigenous practices. As Kenya approached independence in 1963, these traditional conflict resolution mechanisms underwent further adaptations, reflecting the complex interplay between tradition and modernity.

Keywords: Indigenous mechanism, Conflict management mechanisms, Conflcit Management Resolution, Turkana communities, Pokot Communities

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Suggested Citation

Ogot .V. M., Nyanchoga . S. A., & Muchoki .M. F. (2023). Indigenous Mechanism of Conflict Management and Resolution  From 1850  To 1963 among the Pokot and Turkana  Communities in Kenya.  African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 10(1), 84-94. Available online at

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